Imran Sheikh

Importance for Product Revenue

A Lesson by Imran Sheikh (Director of Product, ShareThis Inc)

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About this Lesson

Based on current climate, it is more than important for product managers to focus on unlocking potential and strategic revenue sources that can help the company grow and survive unpredictable times such as COVID-19.

My talk will share how product managers and entrepreneurs can validate and unlock revenue sources.

July 29, 2020, 02:00 PM

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

About The Experts

Imran Sheikh

Imran Sheikh

Director of Product, ShareThis Inc

Experienced (11 yrs) product director with entrepreneurial skills. Leading teams and driving product growth. Turns product vision into reality aligning with a clear strategy, time to revenue and execution. Passionate about mentoring and fostering talent with mission and purpose.