Todd Olson

Rethinking Product Delivery in the Age of Product-Led

A Lesson by Todd Olson (CEO and co-founder, Pendo)

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About this Lesson

Our digital products are fast becoming a hub of customer experience as sales activities, marketing messages, support, education and training begin to converge inside our applications. While these product-led motions are arguably a good trend—the ability to self-service help, education and purchasing empowers users—they also present new challenges for product teams, requiring an entirely new strategy for delivering product. In this session, learn how product teams are evolving from shipping code to driving adoption of products, factoring customer feedback at every stage of product development, and creating “product ops” to organize and rally entire companies around the product.

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January 27, 2021, 08:00 AM

08:00 AM - 08:30 AM

About The Experts

Todd Olson

Todd Olson

CEO and co-founder, Pendo

A three-time entrepreneur, Todd Olson is CEO and co-founder of Pendo and author of the new book, The Product-Led Organization.