Megha Jain

User Retention: The Game Changer For Growth Strategy

A Lesson by Megha Jain (Digital Marketing Specialist, Fuzia)

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About this Lesson

Here are some points that I'll cover:

  1. User retention introduction
  2. Engagement analysis
  3. Engagement types and states
  4. Retention measurement
  5. Cohorts and Experimentation
  6. Retained and resurrected users
  7. Customer lifetime value
  8. Retention as game-changer for product growth strategy

July 30, 2020, 02:00 PM

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

About The Experts

Megha Jain

Megha Jain

Digital Marketing Specialist, Fuzia

Megha Jain is a digital marketing specialist, responsible for the vision, digital marketing team leadership, and global evangelism of Fuzia.